Train seat availability for all 42 trains that run from Vijayawada to Bengaluru can be found in above table.,<p>Duronto express is a newer premium class of train which runs as fast as Rajdhanis. Duronto word comes from restless in Bengali as these trains had no intermediate commercial stops when they started. But since Indian Railways incurred losses for these trains, some technical stops were converted to commercial stops. On some routes (such as Delhi-Kolkata) they take lesser time than corresponding Rajdhani express. Unlike rajdhani some durontos also have non-air conditioned sleeper class. Thus, Duronto trains have classes First AC (1A), AC II-tier, AC III-tier and Sleeper. Bed-rolls in sleeper class of Mixed Duronto Express trains will be supplied to passengers on demand, on payment of stipulated charges. Duronto trains are distinguished by vibrant and colorful vinyl coating on the outer surface of the coaches. 1 duronto train runs from Vijayawada to Bengaluru - SMVB DURONTO EXP (12245).<p><strong>Vijayawada to Bengaluru SMVB DURONTO EXP (12245)</strong> departs from Vijayawada Jn station (BZA) at <time>04:25</time> and arrives Baiyappanahalli Terminal station (SMVB) at <time>15:50</time>. Vijayawada to Bengaluru duronto fare is Rs.2945 in First AC, Rs.1750 in Second AC, Rs.1250 in Third AC and Rs.460 in Sleeper for this train which includes meal charges also.