Check train between stations

How can I check list of train between station?

To know complete list of trains that runs between any two stations, you can get that on trainman train between station page. Enter your preferred station name from where you want to start your journey. Then enter your destination station name where you want to go. Select your preferred date to travel and hit search. You will be on your desired list of train between station page. You can see here list of all trains which are sorted in order of depart time of train that runs between your selected pair of stations Click on availability button of any class to know most recent seat availability status. Trainman shows all classes of each train on single page along with the availability chances of each class if the current status is in waiting. You can modify your search if you want to change to/from station or can change dates to see availability status for next or previous dates or any other date. Trainman by default hides the option of fare on trains between station page. You can click on Show Fare button on top left of train between station page to get fare for every class.

What does GNWL5/WL2 (91%) mean on availability status of a class?

It means that the booking status initially was general waiting 4 and current booking status is waiting 2. Trainman shows availability prediction on trains between station page that means your confirmation chances are x% if you book tickets now. In this case if you book ticket you will get waiting number 2 whose confirmation chances is 91% which means there is a high chance of getting a confirmed berth.

If there are more than one station in a city, which station will I have to choose?

You can select any one station from the list of stations of that city. Trainman shows list of all trains that covers all the stations of that city on train between station page. So if you choose from Mumbai to Delhi trains, you will get list of all trains that runs between any of the stations of these two cities irrespective of your selected station of Delhi or Mumbai.

What to do if seats are not available in my preferred train?

If there are no seats for your preferred train you can do the following:
  • Choose next best option to travel by clicking on time which will sort the trains list in order of least time taken by train to cover the distance.
  • If feasible look for previous or next date’s seat availability or for seats that have high chances of confirmation.
  • Look for availability some stations before your preferred from station. There are different quotas for different pair of stations. So you might get berth if you look for two-three stations previous to your current station. You can just book from previous station and can change boarding point at the time of booking ticket.

Which trains get highest priority in running by the Indian Railways?

Trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto gets most priority by the Indian Railways. Followed by superfast trains and then mail/express trains. Passenger trains, local trains are least priority trains in India. To know which train takes least time to travel you can click on time on important trains between stations page on Trainman.

Which is the fastest train in India and on which route does it run?

Gatimaan Express is the fastest train in India that runs between Agra Cantt and Delhi Hazrat Nizamuddin. It covers a total distance of 188 kms in just 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Seat availability calendar feature on Trainman lets user know the vacant berths count if seat is available or waiting list count if the seat is unavailable. User can enter train number and select origin and destination stations for this train from the drop-down list. Since, user can check the reservation status for entire 4-month in one view it becomes really easy to compare the availability for different dates and classes quickly. User can also know the ticket price for each class for both general and tatkal quota. This way user can take a final decision on dates before booking the ticket on irctc.
