
Raipur To Bhopal Trains

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      Book Raipur to Bhopal Train Tickets | List of 9 Trains, Timetable - Trainman

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      Book Raipur to Bhopal Train Ticket

      Exploring the beauty and diversity of India through train travel offers an unmatched experience, especially on routes such as Raipur to Bhopal. This journey allows passengers to witness breathtaking landscapes while enjoying the comfort and convenience of train travel. Trainman stands out as the premier platform for booking your rail journeys, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Among the popular trains servicing this route are the 12807 SAMTA EXPRESS, 20843 BSP BGKT SF EXP, and 20845 BSP BKN SF EXP, contributing to a total of nine trains per week. Whether you're looking to secure Raipur to Bhopal trains tickets or seeking comprehensive information on all Raipur to Bhopal trains, Trainman is your reliable travel companion every step of the way.

        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        10h 30m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        15h 20m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        11h 45m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        11h 55m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        13h 55m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
      • PURI JU S F
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        12h 10m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        12h 15m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
      • BSP BKN SF EXP
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        12h 15m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        12h 25m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date

      1 Rajdhani Trains Found

      from R to BPL

        M T W T F S S
        Raipur Jn
        10h 30m
        Bhopal Jn
        Select Date

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How many trains are available on this route?
      There are 9 trains available on the Raipur to Bhopal route.
      What are the different classes of train travel, and what are their amenities?
      The different classes of train travel include All Classes, First AC, Executive Vistadome AC, Executive Class, Executive Anubhuti, Second AC, Third AC, First Class, Third Economy, Sleeper, Chair Car, Second Seater, Vistadome Non AC Class. The amenities offered vary depending on the class of travel. The higher classes offer air-conditioned coaches, personalised meal service, and spacious seating.
      Which trains are running from raipur to bhopal daily?
      The daily trains running from Raipur to Bhopal are AMARKANTAK EXP, CHATTISGARH EXP.
      What is the travel distance and travel time from raipur to bhopal?
      The travel distance between Raipur and Bhopal is 698 km, and it takes approximately 12h 10m and to travel.
      How many weekly trains run from raipur to bhopal?
      There are 2 weekly trains that run from Raipur to Bhopal.
      How do you book Tatkal tickets from Raipur to Bhopal?
      You can book Raipur to Bhopal trains Ticket Online by using the IRCTC website or through the Trainman app.
      What is the fastest train from raipur to bhopal?
      The fastest train from Raipur to Bhopal is BSP NDLS RAJ EX, with a travel time of 10:30.
      What is the cheapest train from raipur to bhopal?
      The cheapest option for traveling from Raipur to Bhopal is the BSP NDLS RAJ EX.
      When does the first raipur to bhopal train leave?
      The first Raipur to Bhopal train departs at 05:40, the PURI JU S F.
      When does the last raipur to bhopal leave?
      The first Raipur to Bhopal train departs at 20:10, the 20843 BSP BGKT SF EXP.

      A Comprehensive Guide to Booking Raipur to Bhopal Train Tickets

      Booking tickets for trains running from Raipur to Bhopal has never been more straightforward thanks to Trainman, whether you prefer using our user-friendly website or the easily navigable app. Simply enter your travel details and choose from the variety of trains available on this route. Trainman supports a wide array of payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, and net banking, making transactions seamless and hassle-free. Once your booking is confirmed, an email will promptly be sent to you with the e-ticket attached, ensuring you have all the necessary travel information at your fingertips.

      Trains between Raipur to Bhopal

      On the Raipur to Bhopal route, you have the option of booking from 9 running throughout the week. Among the notable options for travel include 19037 AVADH EXP,19038 AVADH EXPRESS,15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP,15910 AVADH ASSAM EXP,12925 PASCHIM EXPRESS,11062 JYG LTT EXP,11061 LTT JAYNAGAR EXP,12926 PASCHIM EXPRESS,12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP , alongside many other remarkable trains. Opting for Trainman for your booking needs ensures not only a broad selection of trains suited to various schedules and preferences but also a streamlined and efficient booking experience.

      Types of Trains between Raipur to Bhopal

      Traveling from Raipur to Bhopal can be a delightful experience with the Trainman service, especially when choosing between the two main varieties of trains available on this route: superfast trains and express trains. Superfast trains, as their name suggests, enable passengers to reach Bhopal in less time due to fewer stops at intermediate stations along the journey. These trains are also known for providing modern amenities that contribute to a more comfortable travel experience. Among the superfast options, trains such as the AMARKANTAK EXP,GONDWANA SF EXP,SAMTA EXPRESS,PURI JU S F,BSP BGKT SF EXP,BSP BKN SF EXPstand out for their efficiency and comfort. Conversely, express trains offer a cost-effective solution for travelers who prioritize budget over speed; although it takes them longer to complete the same journey owing to more frequent stops, they represent an excellent choice for those willing to trade time for savings. Notable examples of express trains include the 20813 PURI JU S F and the 12409 GONDWANA SF EXP, catering to diverse passenger needs while ensuring a pleasant journey from Raipur to Bhopal.

      Raipur to Bhopal Trains Timings

      The journey duration for trains running from Raipur to Bhopal can vary. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date travel durations for your specific train, we highly recommend checking out the Trainman app or visiting the Trainman website. For instance, popular trains on this route, including the 12807 SAMTA EXPRESS, takes approximately 11 hours and 55 minutes, the 20843 BSP BGKT SF EXP completes the trip in about 12 hours and 15 minutes, and the same journey time of 12 hours and 15 minutes applies to the 20845 BSP BKN SF EXP as well.

      Popular Trains between Raipur to Bhopal

      The 19037 AVADH EXP , renowned for its punctuality and cleanliness, ensures travelers reach their destination on time in a clean environment. The 19038 AVADH EXPRESS stands out for its speed and comfort, offering an efficient and relaxing journey from Raipur to Bhopal. Lastly, the 15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP is well-regarded for its onboard services and overall convenience, making it a preferred choice for passengers seeking a hassle-free travel experience.

      Raipur to Bhopal Trains ticket price

      Ticket prices for trains running from Raipur to Bhopal can vary significantly depending on factors such as the class of travel, the type of train, and how far in advance you are booking your ticket. It is always a wise idea to check the current ticket prices on Trainman's website to ensure you have the most recent information before making a reservation. Additionally, booking your tickets in advance through Trainman can provide you access to the best deals and discounts available, making your journey both cost-effective and pleasant.

      Raipur to Bhopal Trains Seat Availability

      Trainman offers a reliable way for travelers to check the percentage-wise availability of seats on trains running on the Raipur to Bhopal route. This feature enables passengers to plan their journey in advance by securing a seat in their preferred class of travel, be it All Classes,First AC,Executive Vistadome AC,Executive Class,Executive Anubhuti,Second AC,Third AC,First Class,Third Economy,Sleeper,Chair Car,Second Seater,Vistadome Non AC. Incorporating the 'Raipur to Bhopal trains seat availability' functionality on the Trainman platform ensures that users can effortlessly find and book their tickets, making travel planning stress-free and efficient.

      Book Raipur to Bhopal Trains

      • Booking train tickets is a breeze with Trainman, an online platform designed for your convenience and efficiency. Whether planning a trip from Raipur to Bhopal or exploring the myriad of trains available on this route, Trainman makes it hassle-free.
      • 1. Visit the Trainman website or download the Trainman app to start your booking process. The user-friendly interface ensures a smooth navigation experience.
      • 2. Enter 'Raipur' as your origin and 'Bhopal' as your destination along with your planned travel date. This initial step is the foundation for finding the perfect train for your journey.
      • 3. Select the train of your choice based on the timings, seat availability, and fare. This step is crucial as it helps you tailor your travel according to your preferences and schedule.
      • 4. Choose your preferred class of travel. Whether you aim to book Raipur to Bhopal sleeper class train ticket for a comfortable night's sleep or prefer to book Raipur to Bhopal 3AC train ticket for a more spacious and air-conditioned environment, Trainman offers options to suit every traveler's need.
      • 5. Enter the passenger details including name, age, and gender. Ensuring accurate information at this stage guarantees a smooth journey without any hiccups.
      • 6. Proceed to make the payment through Trainman's secure and straightforward payment gateway. The diversity of payment options caters to the convenience of every traveler.
      • 7. Once your train ticket is booked, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number or email address, sealing the deal on your impending journey. With your booking confirmed, peace of mind is assured as you prepare to explore between Raipur and Bhopal.

      Things to do in Bhopal

      Bhopal offers a variety of entertainment options for visitors. For those interested in arts and culture, the Bharat Bhavan provides a space where performances, exhibitions, and workshops continually take place. Movie enthusiasts can enjoy the latest Bollywood and Hollywood films at multiplexes such as Cinepolis or DB City Mall. Nature lovers can spend a leisurely day boating on the serene Bhojtal Lake, also known as Upper Lake, or exploring the Van Vihar National Park, which is essentially an urban wildlife park providing a home to numerous animal species. Lastly, shopping for local crafts and souvenirs at Chowk Bazaar presents an engaging experience for guests hoping to take a piece of Bhopal back home with them.

      Places to visit in Bhopal

      Visitors to Bhopal should make it a point to visit several key attractions that define the city's heritage and beauty. The Taj-ul-Masajid, one of the largest mosques in India, stands as a monumental example of Islamic architecture and a pivotal center of Islamic culture and education. Equally impressive is the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (National Museum of Mankind), where open-air exhibitions display replicas of traditional Indian dwellings, offering insights into the diverse and rich cultural tapestry of India. The Sanchi Stupa, located just outside Bhopal, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its ancient Buddhist monuments and sculptures dating back to the Mauryan era. The Birla Museum offers another fascinating stop with its collection of prehistoric artifacts, manuscripts, and sculptures that narrate the historical evolution and richness of the region. Lastly, the Upper and Lower Lakes of Bhopal provide serene settings that not only offer picturesque views but also recreational activities such as boating and picnicking, making them perfect spots for relaxation and family outings.

      Important Tips

      • 1. Plan your journey in advance and make the most of early bookings. Trainman allows you to secure your train tickets from Raipur to Bhopal up to 120 days before your planned travel date. Planning ahead not only ensures that you get your preferred seat but also often results in more affordable pricing.
      • 2. Choose the right train for your needs. Understanding the difference between trains on this route can significantly enhance your travel experience. Some trains cover the distance faster with fewer stops, while others might take a little longer but offer more opportunities to admire the scenic beauty along the way. Use Trainman to compare options and select the train that best matches your travel preferences.
      • 3. Always carry a valid ID proof during your journey. When travelling from Raipur to Bhopal, carrying an official identification document such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport is essential. Without proper identification, you risk having your ticket cancelled, which could lead to inconvenience and additional expenses.
      • 4. Take advantage of Trainman's user-friendly interface to stay informed about your train's status. Real-time updates regarding train schedules, delays, and platform numbers can greatly enhance your travel experience by making it smoother and more predictable.
      • 5. Consider the amenities offered by different trains. The comfort and services provided on board vary from train to train. Whether you prioritize Wi-Fi access, food services, or cleanliness, using Trainman can help you identify and book a train that caters to your specific travel needs from Raipur to Bhopal.


      With Trainman, booking tickets for your journey from Raipur to Bhopal has become an effortlessly smooth process. The company ensures a hassle-free booking experience, providing detailed information and clear steps for passengers. This makes it incredibly convenient for travelers seeking cost-effective, comfortable, and reliable train services across India.

      Railway Station in Raipur

      Railway Station in Bhopal