BASAVA EXPRESS (17307) runs from Mysore to Bagalkot. It departs from Mysore Jn station (MYS) at from platform 2 and arrives at Bagalkot station (BGK) at on platform 3. BASAVA EXPRESS takes 24 hrs to cover the distance of 1018 km between Mysore and Bagalkot. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 42.416666666666664 kmph. It has classes First AC (1A), Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A), Chair Car (CC) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs daily. Final chart for BASAVA EXPRESS is prepared at Mysore usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
BASAVA EXPRESS 17307 coach position
BASAVA EXPRESS runs with an ICF Rake and has a total of 23 coaches. It has 1 first ac cum second ac coach, 1 second ac coach, 2 third ac coaches and 11 sleeper coaches. The engine of the train reverses at Solapur Jn station. The full coach composition is: