
Varanasi To Vijayawada Trains

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      Book Varanasi to Vijayawada Train Tickets | List of 12 Trains, Timetable - Trainman

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      Book Varanasi to Vijayawada Train Ticket

      Exploring India by train offers not only an affordable way to travel but also provides comfort, picturesque views of the countryside, and a chance to meet fellow travelers. For those journeying from Varanasi to Vijayawada, choosing trains as your mode of transport enhances your travel experience with the guarantee of scenic beauty and cultural insights along the way. Trainman stands as your ideal partner in planning this adventure, simplifying the booking process for popular trains on this route such as the 16368 KASHI TAMIL EXP, 12670 GANGAKAVERI EXP, and 22536 BSBS RMM EXP. With a total of 5.0 trains operating per week, Trainman ensures you have ample options for your planning needs. Whether you are booking 'Varanasi to Vijayawada trains' or looking for 'Varanasi to Vijayawada trains ticket', trust in Trainman for a hassle-free booking experience.

      • Banaras Vijayawada Special Fare Mahakumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        35h 45m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        27h 50m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • BSBS RMM EXP
        M T W T F S S
        28h 30m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Varanasi Mangaluru Central Special Fare Kumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        33h 20m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Azamgarh Vijayawada Special Fare Mahakumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        32h 00m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Azamgarh Vijayawada Mahakumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        32h 00m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Gomti Nagar MGR Chennai Central Special Fare Kumbh Mela Special (PT)
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        29h 30m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Gomti Nagar (Lucknow) MGR Chennai Central Special Fare Maha Kumbh Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        29h 30m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Azamgarh Machilipatnam Special Fare Mahakumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        30h 40m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
        M T W T F S S
        Varanasi Jn
        27h 45m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Banaras Kanniyakumari Special Fare Kumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        29h 25m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date
      • Banaras Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) Special Fare Kumbh Mela Special
        M T W T F S S
        29h 25m
        Vijayawada Jn
        Select Date

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How many trains are available on this route?
      There are 12 trains available on the route from Varanasi to Vijayawada.
      What are the different classes of train travel, and what are their amenities?
      The different classes of train travel include All Classes, First AC, Executive Vistadome AC, Executive Class, Executive Anubhuti, Second AC, Third AC, First Class, Third Economy, Sleeper, Chair Car, Second Seater, Vistadome Non AC Class. The amenities offered vary depending on the class of travel. The higher classes offer air-conditioned coaches, personalised meal service, and spacious seating.
      Which trains are running from varanasi to vijayawada daily?
      The daily trains running from Varanasi to Vijayawada include
      What is the travel distance and travel time from varanasi to vijayawada?
      The travel distance between Varanasi and Vijayawada is 1705 km with a journey time of approximately 27h 50m and .
      How many weekly trains run from varanasi to vijayawada?
      11 weekly trains run from Varanasi to Vijayawada, offering travelers multiple options.
      How do you book Tatkal tickets from Varanasi to Vijayawada?
      You can book Varanasi to Vijayawada trains Ticket Online by using the IRCTC website or through the Trainman app.
      What is the fastest train from varanasi to vijayawada?
      The fastest train from Varanasi to Vijayawada is the KASHI TAMIL EXP, with a travel time of 27:45.
      What is the cheapest train from varanasi to vijayawada?
      The most economical train option from Varanasi to Vijayawada is the Banaras Vijayawada Special Fare Mahakumbh Mela Special.
      When does the first varanasi to vijayawada train leave?
      The first train departing from Varanasi to Vijayawada is the GANGAKAVERI EXP, leaving at 01:20.
      When does the last varanasi to vijayawada leave?
      The first train departing from Varanasi to Vijayawada is the 07082 Azamgarh Vijayawada Special Fare Mahakumbh Mela Special, leaving at 23:30.

      A Comprehensive Guide to Booking Varanasi to Vijayawada Train Tickets

      Booking tickets for trains running from Varanasi to Vijayawada through Trainman is a seamless process, whether you choose to do so via our website or mobile app. Simply enter your travel details and select the desired train to begin. Trainman supports a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, UPI, and net banking, ensuring the booking experience is convenient for everyone. Once the booking is confirmed, an email will be dispatched to you with the e-ticket attached, making your travel preparation hassle-free.

      Trains between Varanasi to Vijayawada

      On the route from Varanasi to Vijayawada, as many as 12 operate throughout the week, offering travelers an array of options for their journey. Among these, notable trains such as 19037 AVADH EXP,19038 AVADH EXPRESS,15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP,15910 AVADH ASSAM EXP,12925 PASCHIM EXPRESS,11062 JYG LTT EXP,11061 LTT JAYNAGAR EXP,12926 PASCHIM EXPRESS,12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP ensure that passengers have the flexibility to choose a suitable train at their convenience. Opting for these services through Trainman not only ensures a hassle-free booking experience but also guarantees a pleasant and comfortable trip across this significant distance.

      Types of Trains between Varanasi to Vijayawada

      When traveling from Varanasi to Vijayawada, passengers have the option to choose between two main types of trains: superfast trains and express trains. Superfast trains are known for their reduced journey time to reach Vijayawada because they stop at fewer stations along the way and are equipped with modern amenities, providing a more comfortable travel experience. Examples of superfast trains operating on this route include the GANGAKAVERI EXP,BSBS RMM EXP. On the other hand, express trains offer a more budget-friendly travel option and are ideal for those not in a hurry, as they take longer due to more frequent stops. Notable examples of express trains on this route are also the 12670 GANGAKAVERI EXP and the 16368 KASHI TAMIL EXP, catering to various passenger needs depending on their preferences for speed and budget.

      Varanasi to Vijayawada Trains Timings

      Journey durations for trains running from Varanasi to Vijayawada can vary widely based on numerous factors. For travelers seeking precise journey times for specific trains, Trainman's app or website provides up-to-date information tailored to your travel needs. Among the popular services on this route, the 16368 KASHI TAMIL EXP and 12670 GANGAKAVERI EXP each require 27:55 hours to complete the journey, while the 22536 BSBS RMM EXP takes slightly longer at 28:30 hours.

      Popular Trains between Varanasi to Vijayawada

      The 19037 AVADH EXP offers travelers from Varanasi to Vijayawada a reliable and comfortable journey, ensuring a prompt arrival at their destination. The 19038 AVADH EXPRESS provides a smooth ride for passengers, coupled with essential amenities that make the journey enjoyable. Lastly, the 15909 AVADH ASSAM EXP caters to those seeking efficiency and comfort, with services designed to meet the needs of every passenger on board.

      Varanasi to Vijayawada Trains ticket price

      Ticket prices for trains running from Varanasi to Vijayawada can vary significantly based on several factors, including the class of travel, the type of train, and seat availability. We encourage travelers to visit Trainman's website to check the most current ticket prices before making a booking. Booking your ticket in advance through Trainman is highly recommended to secure the best deals and discounts available, ensuring both affordability and convenience for your journey.

      Varanasi to Vijayawada Trains Seat Availability

      Trainman provides a seamless experience for travelers looking to book their journey from Varanasi to Vijayawada, with the benefit of checking seat availability in percentages. This feature ensures that passengers can secure their bookings well in advance for different classes such as All Classes,First AC,Executive Vistadome AC,Executive Class,Executive Anubhuti,Second AC,Third AC,First Class,Third Economy,Sleeper,Chair Car,Second Seater,Vistadome Non AC, catering to varied preferences and budgets. The Varanasi to Vijayawada trains seat availability option on Trainman offers an efficient way to plan your travel, ensuring a comfortable trip.

      Book Varanasi to Vijayawada Trains

      • Booking train tickets online has never been easier, thanks to Trainman. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly secure your travel from one city to another.
      • 1. Start by visiting the Trainman website or downloading the intuitive Trainman app on your smartphone.
      • 2. Enter Varanasi as your departure point and Vijayawada as your destination, along with your preferred travel date, to explore your options.
      • 3. Select the train that suits your schedule and preferences best, considering the timings, seat availability, and fare. Whether you're planning to book a Varanasi to Vijayawada sleeper class train ticket for its affordability or a Varanasi to Vijayawada 3AC train ticket for more comfort, you'll find all the information you need.
      • 4. Choose your preferred class of travel. Trainman offers detailed insights into different class accommodations to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and comfort needs.
      • 5. Enter the passenger details accurately. Make sure to double-check the information to avoid any inconvenience during your journey.
      • 6. Proceed to make the payment through Trainman's secure payment gateway. Rest assured, your transactions are safe and encrypted.
      • 7. Once your booking is successful, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number or email address. This confirmation ensures you’re all set for your journey from Varanasi to Vijayawada with peace of mind.

      Things to do in Vijayawada

      Vijayawada, a vibrant city nestled on the banks of the Krishna River, offers a plethora of entertaining activities for visitors. Movie enthusiasts can catch the latest flicks at one of the city's modern cinemas, such as the LEPL Icon or PVR Ripples. For those who enjoy getting close to nature, the Rajiv Gandhi Park provides a delightful space for picnics and leisurely strolls, featuring lush greenery and a mini zoo. Adventure seekers can head to Bhavani Island, where water sports and camping facilities promise an exhilarating outing. Additionally, the city boasts several shopping malls including Trendset Mall and PVP Square, offering a mix of retail stores, eateries, and entertainment zones that cater to all tastes.

      Places to visit in Vijayawada

      Vijayawada is home to several must-visit attractions that showcase its rich heritage and natural beauty. The Kanaka Durga Temple, perched atop the Indrakeeladri Hill, offers breathtaking views of the city along with a spiritual experience dedicated to the Hindu goddess Durga. The Undavalli Caves, an example of Indian rock-cut architecture, feature ancient sculptures and monoliths dating back to the 4th century, providing a glimpse into the area's historical significance. Prakasam Barrage, spanning the Krishna River, creates a scenic waterfront ideal for evening walks and photography. The Bhavani Island situated in the middle of the river is another gem, offering a perfect blend of tranquility and recreational activities. Lastly, the Amaravathi Museum, housing artifacts reflecting the Buddhist history and culture of the region, invites history buffs for an insightful visit.

      Important Tips

      • 1. Plan your journey in advance. One of the biggest advantages of booking your train tickets from Varanasi to Vijayawada via Trainman is the ability to secure your seat up to 120 days before your trip. This head start ensures you have plenty of options to choose from, including selecting the most convenient trains and seats to make your journey as comfortable as possible.
      • 2. Select the right train for your needs. Trains on the Varanasi to Vijayawada route vary greatly in terms of speed and number of stops. If getting to your destination quickly is a priority, look for express services that minimize stops. Conversely, if you prefer a more leisurely journey with opportunities to see more of the countryside, opt for a train with more stops. Trainman can help you compare these options easily.
      • 3. Ensure you have valid ID proof. When traveling from Varanasi to Vijayawada, it is mandatory to carry recognized identification such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport. Without this, you risk having your ticket cancelled. This policy is in place to enhance the safety and security of all passengers.
      • 4. Explore Trainman's value-added services. In addition to securing your train tickets, consider utilizing Trainman’s other offerings designed to enhance your travel experience. This might include meal bookings, where you can select your food preferences ahead of time, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable trip.
      • 5. Stay informed about your journey. Changes and updates to train schedules can happen. Trainman offers real-time updates and alerts about your train’s status, departure times, and platform numbers, keeping you well-informed and prepared. Signing up for these updates can significantly reduce any potential stress on the day of your journey.


      Booking a ticket from Varanasi to Vijayawada has become streamlined and devoid of complications with Trainman, making the process efficient and straightforward. The hassle-free booking system ensures that travelers can reserve their seats without any stress, ensuring a smooth travel planning experience. Trainman's user-friendly platform empowers every passenger to access detailed travel information, guaranteeing an enjoyable journey for those seeking comfortable and affordable travel options throughout India.

      Railway Station in Varanasi

      Railway Station in Vijayawada