BPL INTERCITY 19323 train route

Runs Daily
No Pantry Car
Class - CC 2S

Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Mhow to Sant Hirdaram Nagar BPL INTERCITY 19323 train schedule cloud_download

1 Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Mhow
( DADN )
-1 0 km 2
2 Indore
( INDB )
1 22 km 4
3 Dewas
( DWX )
1 60 km 1
4 Maksi
( MKC )
1 96 km 3
5 Akodia
( AKD )
1 146 km
6 Shujalpur
( SJP )
1 159 km 2
7 Kalapipal
( KPP )
1 171 km 1
8 Sehore
( SEH )
1 200 km
9 Sant Hirdaram Nagar
( SHRN )
1 229 km 2
10 Bhopal Jn
( BPL )
-1 239 km 3
*Note: Average delay is average of delays calculated over previous 7 days.
Platform no. is indicative only. Please re-check platform info at the station before boarding train.

Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Mhow to Sant Hirdaram Nagar BPL INTERCITY 19323 timing

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