BSB BE EXP 14235 train running status

Runs Daily
StationScheduled TimeActualDelay
Varanasi Jn (BSB)
0 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Babatpur (BTP)
19 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Khalispur (KSF)
28 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Zafarabad Jn (ZBD)
52 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Jaunpur Jn (JNU)
58 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Kheta Sarai (KS)
81 km (day 2)
No Delay
Shahganj Jn (SHG)
91 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Malipur (MLPR)
116 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Akbarpur (ABP)
135 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Goshainganj (GGJ)
157 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ayodhya (AY)
189 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ayodhya Cantt (AYC)
196 km (day 2)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Rudauli (RDL)
234 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Daryabad (DYD)
257 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Barabanki Jn (BBK)
296 km (day 2)
No Delay
Safedabad (SFH)
303 km (day 2)
No Delay
Jugaur (JRR)
306 km (day 2)
No Delay
Malhour (ML)
312 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Lucknow (LKO)
324 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Alamnagar (AMG)
330 km (day 2)
4 intermediate stations
No Delay
Sandila (SAN)
372 km (day 2)
No Delay
Baghauli (BGH)
401 km (day 2)
Hardoi (HRI)
426 km (day 2)
4 intermediate stations
No Delay
Anjhi Shahabad (AJI)
458 km (day 2)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Shahjehanpur (SPN)
488 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Tilhar (TLH)
507 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bilpur (BLPU)
523 km (day 2)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Pitambarpur (PMR)
539 km (day 2)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bareilly (BE)
559 km (day 2)
No Delay

BSB BE EXP 14235 live running status & days of operation

BSB BE EXP (14235) runs from Varanasi Jn (BSB) to Bareilly (Bareilly).It has classes first ac (1A), second ac (2A), third ac (3A), sleeper (SL).It is not a superfast train and covers a distance of 558 kms in 24 hr 0 min.This train runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.It has 80 halts.This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car.Final chart for 14235 is prepared usually 3-4 hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning.

Average delay of 14235 BSB BE EXP

BSB BE EXP departs from Varanasi Jn at 23:05 pm with an average delay of No Delay and arrives at at 11:55 am with an average delay of No Delay.The average delay of 14235 is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days.You can also check PNR status for tickets booked in BSB BE EXP.