YPR BBS SPL 02812 train running status

Runs On - Mon
StationScheduled TimeActualDelay
Yesvantpur Jn (YPR)
0 km (day 1)
20 intermediate stations
1 min
Satya Sai P Nilayam (SSPN)
154 km (day 1)
2 intermediate stations
31 min
Dharmavaram Jn (DMM)
187 km (day 1)
18 intermediate stations
18 min
Dhone (DHNE)
332 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
16 min
Nandyal (NDL)
408 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
41 min
Giddalur (GID)
462 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
1 hr 0 min
Markapur Road (MRK)
521 km (day 1)
11 intermediate stations
51 min
Narasaraopet (NRT)
620 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
47 min
Guntur Jn (GNT)
665 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
57 min
Vijayawada Jn (BZA)
697 km (day 1)
30 intermediate stations
No Delay
Rajamundry (RJY)
846 km (day 2)
9 intermediate stations
No Delay
Samalkot Jn (SLO)
897 km (day 2)
20 intermediate stations
No Delay
Duvvada (DVD)
1030 km (day 2)
No Delay
Kottavalasa (KTV)
1060 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Vizianagram Jn (VZM)
1094 km (day 2)
9 intermediate stations
No Delay
Srikakulam Road (CHE)
1164 km (day 2)
8 intermediate stations
No Delay
Palasa (PSA)
1237 km (day 2)
8 intermediate stations
No Delay
Brahmapur (BAM)
1310 km (day 2)
24 intermediate stations
No Delay
Khurda Road Jn (KUR)
1457 km (day 2)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bhubaneswar (BBS)
1476 km (day 2)
No Delay

YPR BBS SPL 02812 live running status & days of operation

YPR BBS SPL (02812) runs from Yesvantpur Jn (YPR) to Bhubaneswar (Bhubaneswar).It has classes third ac (3A).It is a superfast train and covers a distance of 1476 kms in 24 hr 0 min.This train runs on Mon.It has 214 halts.This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car.Final chart for 02812 is prepared usually 3-4 hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning.

Average delay of 02812 YPR BBS SPL

YPR BBS SPL departs from Yesvantpur Jn at 04:30 am with an average delay of No Delay and arrives at at 12:15 pm with an average delay of No Delay.The average delay of 02812 is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days.You can also check PNR status for tickets booked in YPR BBS SPL.