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      12027 Mas Sbc Shtabdi Train Fare
      M, T, W, T, F, S, S | EC, CC | Shatabdi
      Fare Breakup
      Class EC
      Base Charges ₹1127
      Reservation Charges ₹60
      Superfast Charges ₹75
      Catering Charges ₹185
      GST ₹63
      Dynamic Charges ₹0
      Total Amount ₹1510

      Train Fare Info of 12027 MAS SBC SHTABDI

      Trainman displays complete break up of ticket fare which has different components like base fare, reservation charge, superfast charge, catering charge etc. One can check fare for different quota as well as fare levied under different concessions. On train fare calculator page enter the train number for which you want to know fare break up and it will show all the details regarding selected train like from, to, quota, class, category, concession. Each option has a drop down button and can choose your preferred group of destination, class, quota, concession etc for which you want to get fare break up. Users can also know information about dynamic pricing if dynamic fare is applicable for the selected train. By default, Trainman shows maximum dynamic fare that can be charged by the railways for your selected train, however, users can know about dynamic fare at each stage meaning at each phase of number of ticket sold.

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