Puri to Yog Nagari Rishikesh UTKAL EXPRESS 18477 timing
UTKAL EXPRESS (18477) runs from Puri to Yog Nagari Rishikesh. It departs from Puri station (PURI) at from platform 7 and arrives at Yog Nagari Rishikesh station (YNRK) at . UTKAL EXPRESS takes 48 hrs to cover the distance of 2389 km between Puri and Yog Nagari Rishikesh. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 49.770833333333336 kmph. It has classes First AC (1A), Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A), Third Economy (3E) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs daily. Final chart for UTKAL EXPRESS is prepared at Puri usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
UTKAL EXPRESS 18477 coach position
UTKAL EXPRESS runs with an LHB Rake and has a total of 22 coaches. It has 5 third ac coaches, 1 first ac coach, 2 second ac coaches, 1 pantry car coach, 6 sleeper coaches and 4 second seating unreserved coaches. The full coach composition is:
Puri is a holy city situated on the Bay of Bengal in the Indian state of Odisha. The city is known for sandy beaches and temples specifically Jagannath Temple and Konark Sun God Temple. Best time to visit Puri is between October to March. There are numerous tourist attractions including temples, beaches, exotic wildlife and lakes. The famous Rath Yatra of Jagannath Puri observes lakhs of devotees while some of the other festivals include Puri beach festival, Konark beach festival, Gundicha Utsav etc. Nearest airport to Puri is Bhubaneswar's Biju Patnaik airport which is located at a distance of 60 Kms from Puri.