Madan Mahal to Ambikapur JBP ABKP EXPRESS 11265 timing
JBP ABKP EXPRESS (11265) runs from Madan Mahal to Ambikapur. It departs from Jabalpur station (JBP) at from platform 3 and arrives at Ambikapur station (ABKP) at on platform 1. JBP ABKP EXPRESS takes 0 minute to cover the distance of 428 km between Madan Mahal and Ambikapur. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is kmph. It has classes Third AC (3A), Chair Car (CC) and Second Seater (2S). This train runs daily. Final chart for JBP ABKP EXPRESS is prepared at Madan Mahal usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
JBP ABKP EXPRESS 11265 coach position
JBP ABKP EXPRESS runs with an ICF Rake and has a total of 20 coaches. It has 1 ac chair car coach and 7 non-ac chair car coaches. The full coach composition is: