Trainman is the one stop shop for checking PNR status and prediction after train ticket booking on IRCTC. One can search for trains between stations and get instant seat availability for indian railways. Rail enquiry services with train schedule and running status on Trainman helps passenger in planning railway journey. After doing railway reservation on IRCTC, passengers may want to predict the final PNR status for railways - will the ticket get confirmed or not? This is where Trainman helps travellers as it also gives the confirmation chances for waiting list tickets based on pnr status history for past tickets book on Indian Railways. Passengers can know beforehand to book tatkal ticket on IRCTC or go for suvidha trains which charge dynamic fare. Railway fare enquiry is available for all travel classes like first ac, second ac, third ac, garib-rath, sleeper, chair car and second seating with concessional fare for senior citizens
Rampur Hat to Chennai Central trains Rampur Hat to Chennai Egmore trains Rampur Hat to Tambaram trains Rampur Hat to Perambur trains RPH to MAS trains RPH to MS trains RPH to TBM trains RPH to PER trains