INTERCITY EXP 13410 train running status

Runs Daily
StationScheduled TimeActualDelay
Kiul Jn (KIUL)
0 km (day 1)
4 intermediate stations
No Delay
Kajra (KJH)
16 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Abhaipur (AHA)
24 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Dharhara (DRH)
34 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
No Delay
Jamalpur Jn (JMP)
46 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bariarpur (BUP)
57 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Sultanganj (SGG)
74 km (day 1)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Akbarnagar (AKN)
84 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
Bhagalpur (BGP)
99 km (day 1)
No Delay
Sabaur (SBO)
106 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Ghoga (GGA)
119 km (day 1)
No Delay
Ekchari (EKC)
124 km (day 1)
No Delay
Kahalgaon (CLG)
129 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Shivanarayanpur (SVRP)
140 km (day 1)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Pirpainti (PPT)
149 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Mirza Cheuki (MZC)
157 km (day 1)
1 intermediate stations
No Delay
Sahibganj Jn (SBG)
173 km (day 1)
5 intermediate stations
No Delay
Tinpahar Jn (TPH)
210 km (day 1)
2 intermediate stations
No Delay
Barharwa Jn (BHW)
227 km (day 1)
3 intermediate stations
No Delay
New Farakka Jn (NFK)
242 km (day 1)
6 intermediate stations
No Delay
Malda Town (MLDT)
276 km (day 1)
No Delay

INTERCITY EXP 13410 live running status & days of operation

INTERCITY EXP (13410) runs from Kiul Jn (KIUL) to Malda Town (Malda Town).It has classes third economy (3E), second seater (2S).It is not a superfast train and covers a distance of 280 kms in No Delay.This train runs on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.It has 68 halts.This train runs with an and does not have a pantry car.Final chart for 13410 is prepared usually 3-4 hours before train departure time or a day before if train departs early morning.

Average delay of 13410 INTERCITY EXP

INTERCITY EXP departs from Kiul Jn at 14:00 pm with an average delay of No Delay and arrives at at 20:45 pm with an average delay of No Delay.The average delay of 13410 is calculated by averaging the actual delay of last 7 days.You can also check PNR status for tickets booked in INTERCITY EXP.