Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari VIVEK EXPRESS 22504 timing
VIVEK EXPRESS (22504) runs from Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari. It departs from Dibrugarh station (DBRG) at from platform 1 and arrives at Kanyakumari station (CAPE) at on platform 1. VIVEK EXPRESS takes 72 hrs to cover the distance of 4144 km between Dibrugarh and Kanyakumari. It is a superfast train. The average speed of this train is 57.55555555555556 kmph. It has classes Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs daily. Final chart for VIVEK EXPRESS is prepared at Dibrugarh usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
VIVEK EXPRESS 22504 coach position
VIVEK EXPRESS runs with an LHB Rake and has a total of 22 coaches. It has 7 sleeper coaches, 1 pantry car coach, 6 third ac coaches and 2 second ac coaches. The engine of the train reverses at Vishakapatnam station. The full coach composition is:
Dibrugarh is a picturesque town of Assam and is situated on the banks of river Brahmputra. It is a paradise with tea gardens and rainforests. It is biggest contributor of India's tea production and accounts for over 35% of total tea produced by the state. Literacy rate in Dibrugarh is close to 90% which is much higher than the national literacy rate. Dibrugarh is the biggest railway junction in the North eastern region. Dibrugarh Vivek Express that connects Dibrugarh to the southernmost tip of India - Kanyakumari holds world record for being the train that covers longest train route and maximum travel time to reach destination. It is a perfect example of cultural mix where one can find Assamese (Ahoms), Bengalis, Marwaris, Christian and Muslims. Dibrugarh Airport (DIB) is located at Mohanbari which is 15 Kms North East to the Dibrugarh city.
About Kanyakumari
Kanyakumari is a town in Tamil Nadu and is the southernmost tip of India. Its name is derived from the Kanya Kumari temple located there. It is the only place in India where three Oceans - Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean meets. This spot is known as Triveni Sangam. Sunrise and sunsets are most spectacular here. The nearest airport to Kanyakumari is Trivandrum International airport (TRV) located at a distance of 75 Kms from the main district. It is well connected by road and railways.