Train seat availability for all 1 trains that run from Guntur to Madurai can be found in above table.,Madurai is a culturally rich city in Tamil Nadu. Some people also say that Madurai is the soul of Tamil Nadu. It is the second largest city by population in this state. It is situated on the banks of river Vaigai. Popular monuments in Madurai are Meenakshi Amman temple, Alagarkoil Temple and Shrine, Gandhi museum, Tirumalai Nayak palace, Koodal Azhagar Temple, Pazhamudir Solai, Kazimar Big Mosque and Kutladampatti Falls. Recently IT companies have also started up opening their offices in Madurai. Madurai is the headquarters of TamilNadu State Transport Corporation. It is one of the seven circles of the Tamil Nadu State Highway network. Madurai Jn is an important railway station connecting Madurai with major cities and towns across India. Madurai has an airport too although the flights connectivity is limited. Madurai has 1 railway station - Madurai Jn (MDU).