
Indian Railways will now offer tickets at Discounted Prices

4.6k views   19 Jul, 23

As trains are the most loved transport medium for all the Indians who take long or even short journeys, getting tickets at a 25% discount on the basic fare will definitely enhance the usability.

To maximize the utilization of train accommodation, the Ministry of Railways has opted to empower Zonal Railways by granting them the authority to launch discounted fare initiatives exclusively for trains providing AC sitting arrangements.

There are, however, some rules to know beforehand:

  1. This scheme is only applicable in AC Chair Cars and Executive Class of all trains with AC sitting arrangements. This includes Anubhuti and Vistadome Coaches as well.
  2. The offered discount will go a maximum of up to 25% of the basic fare. Other charges like reservation charges, Super fast surcharge, GST, etc., as applicable, shall be levied separately. The discount in any class will be offered based on occupancy.
  3. If the train is having less than 50% occupancy in its sitting coaches (be it end to end or some specified sections) during the last 30 days will be considered for discounts.
  4. The discount scheme is implemented. But, passengers who have already booked their tickets will not receive a refund for the discounted amount.
  5. If there are any changes or withdrawals to the discount program, they will be applied immediately. Nevertheless, passengers who have already reserved their tickets will not be asked to pay any extra fare.
  6. For PTOs, Railway passes with fare differences, concessional vouchers, MLA and ex-MLA coupons, warrants, MPs, ex-MPs, freedom fighters, etc., bookings will be made based on the regular class-wise fare, not the discounted fare.
  7. If the discount is applied to the entire journey, the Tatkal quota will not be applicable for reservations during the specified period. However, if the discount is only valid for a particular section of the journey, the Tatkal quota will not be offered for that section.
  8. Passengers can avail of the discount for tickets booked until the preparation of the first chart and during the current booking. Furthermore, the TTE will also be authorized to provide the discount onboard.
  9. This discount scheme will not apply to special trains introduced on holidays, festivals, or any other special occasions.

This scheme will be in effect for up to one year from its initiation. The provisions of this scheme shall extend to all trains equipped with AC Chair Cars and Executive classes, encompassing AC sitting accommodation, including Anubhuti and Vistadome coaches.